Natural Bodybuilding

ByJoe Louis

Apr 3, 2021
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The difference between a natural bodybuilder and a chemist

As a natural bodybuilder, so and using chemistry, mainly differ in the effect on the DNA of their cells. In the organisms of both representatives, the following processes take place: some structures of the human genome associated with protein production are activated, the process of copying information on protein production is started, and only after that the protein begins to be produced in cells.

The course of the above process in a natural bodybuilder occurs in smaller volumes than that of the “chemist”. In both cases, the process is given a signal to start anabolic hormones, which are produced under the influence of training stress. The amount of hormones a natural bodybuilder has is limited by his physiological characteristics, and in a bodybuilder who takes chemical drugs, these restrictions are removed. The only limitation can be finances.

Therefore, it turns out that the natural bodybuilder is somewhat limited in the possible progress. The natural quantitative and qualitative increase in dry mass is significantly inferior to the chemical one due to the limited amount of anabolic hormones. There may even come a moment when progress stops completely – this is due to the physiological ceiling at which growth hormones cannot be produced more than the prescribed amount.

To overcome the so-called “stagnation” and begin to progress, it is necessary to increase the volume of the lungs. There are two options:

  • take an additional breath to enrich the lungs with new oxygen supply;
  • constantly increase the volume of each breath, while filling the blood with an increased amount of growth hormone – testosterone.

Similar techniques are used to increase the progression of loads, which directly affects the increase in working weight. Progression can act as a guarantee that enough hormones are produced due to training stress. For the natural bodybuilder, this progression plays a very important role, as does the increase in working weight.

Lack of growth hormone or training stress is caused by an inappropriate training program or incorrectly selected exercises. But you should also not overdo it in training – this greatly undermines the body’s performance and depletes its resources, which can result in muscle overtraining for a bodybuilder. Such excessive loads are typical only for bodybuilders taking chemistry.

First of all, it is worth paying attention to the following aspects:

  • due to a properly selected load, you need to achieve increased testosterone production;
  • minimize the total duration of the load to prevent injury to the endocrine glands.

Practice confirms one thing: the more difficult the exercise, the more muscle groups it uses, the more stress the body receives and produces an increased number of growth hormones.

That is why you can often hear recommendations about the constant use of basic exercises. Basic exercises have the best effect on muscle growth due to their characteristics – to include several major and small muscle groups in the work at once, to use two or more joints in the exercise. After that, the body responds with a protective and restorative reaction – it produces a larger amount of anabolic hormone. As a result, an increase in muscle mass and volume.

From the above, the following can be learned: isolation exercises for the first year or two are not recommended for a natural bodybuilder in their program. On the contrary, it is worth concentrating on basic exercises that develop muscles in a complex way – presses, squats, deadlifts.

It is believed that squats with a barbell are the main exercise for gaining mass. And not unreasonably. It is this exercise that connects the largest number of muscle groups to work, due to which the body receives the greatest stress, and, as a result, a larger dose of anabolic hormone is produced. It should be a priority for the natural bodybuilder and may not be a priority for a bodybuilder using artificial hormones. That is, you should not use isolating exercises in general and try less to resort to various simulators, for example, block machines.

If a single training session is too long, then this can lead to muscle overtraining due to excessive stress, which the body cannot cope with in a day or so. Such a phenomenon is very undesirable, as it leads to a deterioration in well-being, a significant decrease in the desire to exercise, loss of appetite, and so on, not counting the wasted time and results.

Periodization in bodybuilding

Progress directly depends on the growth hormone produced. In turn, the volume of the growth hormone surge depends on the stress received during training, which should not be too great. But there comes a point in the physiological ceiling when the body is unable to produce more testosterone to increase progress. There are two ways to get out of this situation:

  • increase lung volume (produce hormone);
  • shorten the training time and bring it to about an hour.

How a natural bodybuilder should eat

One of the categories of successful weight gain is nutrition. It is necessary to achieve excess calorie content of food. But a frequent occurrence among beginners is the simultaneous achievement of opposite tasks – a set of lean mass (muscles) and a decrease in the presence of body fat. Even when using chemistry, this is very difficult to achieve.

With excess calories, it is possible to gain not only a large amount of dry weight, but also a little excess (fat).

To achieve excess calories, you need make up a diet that will include proteins of animal origin – meat, eggs, dairy products, fish, etc. Complex carbohydrates are also acceptable – buckwheat and rice porridge, pasta. It is worth refraining from eating fast carbohydrates – they will lead to the formation of a fat layer in large quantities due to the produced insulin.

The problem of digestion is also a frequent occurrence. A bodybuilder can eat a lot, but at the same time only a certain part is assimilated – the body will take as much as it needs, and remove the rest. Therefore, the anabolic response may be less than expected.

The secret used by professional bodybuilders

The secret refers to the digestive enzymes, which by their amount limit the digestive processes in the body.

The consumed micronutrients in the form of proteins, carbohydrates and fats are absorbed and assimilated due to digestive enzymes – proteases, amylases and lipases, respectively. This indicates that the body produces certain enzymes for specific organic compounds.

Therefore, proteases will be especially valuable for the bodybuilder., which are responsible for the breakdown of proteins and have high efficiency in the field of nutrition. Success in achieving results in bodybuilding can largely depend on these enzymes – this is the very secret. You can eat a lot of food, and the final “exhaust” of the increase will be much smaller. Therefore, they use similar enzymes that increase the effectiveness of anabolic growth.

But it is worth remembering that the use of digestive enzymes in large quantities can lead to injury to the stomach – the mucous membrane will begin to break down. Therefore, you should not exceed the recommendations for use indicated in the instructions. In this case, excessive zeal can lead to health problems.